To be a member of the parish is a privilege and a sign of our responsibility towards God’s work, through liturgical, sacramental and financial support. Are you and your children (18 years and older) members of the Holy Trinity parish? This year, make it a priority to support our Holy Orthodox Church! Join the parish and bring this priceless gift of our Faith and our Heritage into your life and the life of your family. Whether brand new, or a former member, the process is very simple. Speak with Fr. Nicolae Welcome!
A fi membru al parohiei este un privilegiu şi un semn al responsabilităţii noastre faţă de opera lui Hristos prin participarea liturgică-sacramentală şi sustinere financiara. Dumneavoastră şi copiii dumneavoastră (peste 18 ani) sunteţi membri? Fie ca în acest an să luaţi hotărârea să ajutaţi Sfânta Noastră Biserică Ortodoxă! Alăturaţi-vă acestei biserici şi aduceti acest nepreţuit cadou al credinţei şi tradiţiei noastre în viaţa dumneavoastră şi a familiei dumneavoastră. Nou membru sau fost membru, a deveni membru este simplu. Vorbiţi cu Pr. Nicolae astăzi. Bun venit!
Every Orthodox Christian has the responsibility to join with, and be an active part of a local parish.
In general terms, we are united to the Body of Christ and become members of the holy Orthodox Church through Baptism and Christmation. We are expected to: remain loyal to the Church, faithfully practice our Faith, mature in Her teachings, share the Faith with others, and regularly support Her existence. More specifically, we live and practice our Orthodox Faith within a given community called a parish. Each individual Orthodox Christian of at least eighteen years of age is to declare his/her commitment to the Church and responsibility for its support by becoming a member of the parish. At all times, every member is expected to be in sacramental communion with only the Orthodox Church, through at least annual Confession and Communion in his/her “home parish.” And, in gratitude for God’s blessings, every member is expected to be a faithful steward of the parish by freely, and as generously as possible, offering his/her time, talents and treasures to support of its life and mission.
Annual Parish Membership at Holy Trinity Romanian Orthodox Parish is open to all Orthodox Christians of at least 18 years of age. In the last few years, the parish has been incorporating a “pledge system” of giving with regard to membership. This concept allows for a prayerful, serious commitment by the individual to not only participate in the services, sacraments and activities of the parish, but to financially support it by whatever amount they feel they are able to offer in thanksgiving for the blessings God bestows on them. Details can be discussed with the Dean at any time, and the process of becoming a full member of the Holy Trinity parish is a simple one that will reward your heart, mind, and body. Of course, your pledge is a private commitment between you, the priest, and God.
We pray that you, your family, and others will find our doors always open to you, and that our Church will become home to you as well. You are sincerely invited to join us and become a full member of the Holy Trinity parish family. We welcome you in the love of Our Lord.
Membership Application - download here.