Fundraiser 24 si 25 Iunie (click on image)
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17 D Sf. Cuv. Alexie, omul lui Dumnezeu (O,L,B) 18 L Sf. Ier. Chiril, arhiepiscopul Ierusalimului; Sf. Ier. Nicolae din Zica (Velimirovich) (Începutul Postului Sfintelor Paști. Zi aliturgică. Canonul cel
Mare – partea întâi)
19 M Sf. Mc. Hrisant și Daria, Claudiu și Ilaria; Sf. Mc. Marian diaconul (Zi aliturgică. Canonul cel Mare – partea a doua)
20 M Sf. Cuv. Mucenici din Mănăstirea Sf. Sava cel Sfințit (Canonul cel Mare – partea a treia)
22 Febuarie, Sambata. Mosii de iarna.
9:30 AM - Sf. Liturghie.
11:30 AM - Parastas de obste in Sala Comunitara. Vesnica lor pomenire!
Infricosatoarea Judecata - Voronet, Romania.
The parish community is lead by the parish priest. A council which is elected each year by the members in good standing are chosen to work with the priest and lead the activities and events of the Parish by their Christian example. Many members of the Parish Council spend countless hours working at or for the church and encourage others to do the same. The Dean, presidents of the Ladies Auxiliary and Senior and AROY chapters, and the parish’s delegates to the Archdiocesan Congress are all ex-officio members on the Parish Council.
The Holy Trinity parish is composed of several dozens of souls of various ethnic heritages, first and second generation Romanian-Canadians, and a growing number of those newly-arrived from Romania. Services are celebrated in both the Romanian and English languages.